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Lithuanian Business in France to Present Defence Industry’s Potential

Lithuanian Business in France to Present Defence Industry’s Potential

The Lithuanian national stand at Eurosatory, one of the world’s largest defence and security exhibitions, has been opened in France, where 11 Lithuanian defence companies are presenting themselves. 

“The ongoing war in Ukraine has highlighted the importance of the development of the defence industry and innovative technologies. Although the Lithuanian defence technology industry is still young, it is capable of not only servicing military equipment, but also solving pressing problems. Lithuania can already boast a number of success stories in the export of military equipment. We export more than half of our products and services. We hope that the exhibition will open up even more opportunities for our business,” said Vincas Jurgutis, Deputy Minister of the Economy and Innovation, at the opening of Lithuania’s stand.  

According to the Vice-Minister, Lithuania’s accession to the NATO Innovation Fund, which will invest in start-ups and their technologies, will also help expand our defence industry. 

We estimate that Lithuania’s defence industry consists of around 60 companies, with a growing number of innovative start-ups. One of Lithuania’s key competences is the ability to provide high-end photonic solutions for military and security applications, such as the SWIR thermal night vision systems designed and manufactured by Lithuania and currently being used by the Ukrainian military in the fight against Russian intruders.

In addition, the Lithuanian defence industry also provides a range of ICT and engineering solutions, and the technologies developed by Lithuania help to provide a rapid and high-quality response to cyber threats.  

Eurosatory is a biennial international defence and security exhibition organised in cooperation with the French Ministry of Defence. 

Read more on Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania