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European eGovernment Benchmark 2023: Lithuania Ranks 7th

European eGovernment Benchmark 2023: Lithuania Ranks 7th

According to the European Commission’s European eGovernment Benchmark 2023, Lithuania ranks 7th and is among the leading countries in terms of the most technologically advanced public e-services. Last year, Lithuania ranked 8th.

Currently, Lithuania’s e-Government Gateway portal offers more than 650 electronic services. In 2022, 79.6% of the Lithuanian population aged 18-74 used the portal. More than 2.5 million accounts have been created by users of the e-Government Gateway.

Malta and Estonia remain the European leaders in e-government. Their public e-services are the most user-oriented, transparent, technologically advanced, and open to users compared to other European countries. Luxembourg, Iceland, Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Denmark, Latvia, Turkey, and Norway are next on the list.

The European leaders in the field of electronic identification, along with Lithuania, are Estonia, Iceland, Denmark, and Norway, where more than 95% of services can be accessed through the national eID system.

The European Commission’s eGovernment scoreboard compares how European governments deliver public electronic services. It assesses the level of maturity of e-services in a country.

These public e-services are evaluated on 4 main criteria: user-orientation, transparency, technical adaptability of e-services, and cross-border e-services.

The progress of public e-services is assessed in 35 countries: the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey.

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