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€1.7 million allocated to tourism businesses

€1.7 million allocated to tourism businesses

The Ministry of the Economy and Innovation has allocated EUR 1.7 million under two aid measures for the tourism sector. It provides €1.37 million in compensation for accommodation providers and €320 000 in subsidies for tour operators. In total, more than 100 tourism providers most affected by the pandemic received support.

“The aim of the aid measures was to at least partially help our tourism sector and to mitigate the negative impact on businesses of the drastic drop in tourist arrivals and the rapid rise in energy raw material prices caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We estimate that we compensated 70 accommodation providers and subsidised 31 tour operators,” said Vincas Jurgutis, Deputy Minister for the Economy and Innovation.

Under the measure “Partial reimbursement of fixed costs or one-off payments to providers of classified accommodation”, it was possible to apply for a reimbursement of up to 50% of bills for natural gas, heat and electricity, or for a one-off payment to providers of classified accommodation. 

Under the measure “Subsidies to Inbound Tour Operators”, a subsidy of up to EUR 3 per foreign tourist was available. 

Tourism businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic could benefit from the support measures.