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88% of Lithuanians support EU and NATO membership

88% of Lithuanians support EU and NATO membership

The latest 2022 GLOBSEC Trends report shows that Lithuanians have no doubts regarding the geopolitical orientation of their country–57% of them would prefer Lithuania to align with the West and 88% support EU and NATO membership. These figures put Lithuania among the top in the region.

88% of Lithuanians would vote in favour of staying in the EU and NATO

Lithuania also marked the highest increase in support for democracy as a system of government over the past year–from 70% to 79%.

Awareness concerning the Russian aggression is also robust–83% of the respondents consider Russia a threat to their security and 89% perceive Putin unfavourably.

82% of Lithuanians agree that Ukraine is fighting for democracy in Europe.

The 2022 GLOBSEC Trends report shows that Central and Eastern European countries, including Lithuania, demonstrate greater solidarity and belonging to the West amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

GLOBSEC is a global think-tank, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, committed to enhancing security, prosperity, and sustainability in Europe and throughout the world. It’s an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental organisation.